ProppFrexx ONAIR V4 Crack – All-In-One Radio Automation

ProppFrexx ONAIR

Internet broadcasters may benefit from the comprehensive radio automation and playout technology that Proppfrexx OnAir Crack provides. It is simple to set up, simple to use, and comes with extensive tutorials, even though it is loaded with features. Customers have praised not just its consistency but also its programmability and adaptability as well.

Before there was ProppFrexx, there was radio42, an internet radio station that began airing in 2001 and catered to those who like lounge music.

Bernd Niedergesaess, the owner of the radio station, is also the creative force behind ProppFrexx and Bass.Net (audio engine). These are the kinds of solutions that were designed specifically to assist him in setting up an entirely automated radio station.

Since 2009, people have been able to participate in the program. Several good friends got together and drank a few bottles of wine before coming up with the name. In addition, the whole account may be seen at

Right away, let’s get started on the evaluation, and find out why this particular piece of Proppfrexx OnAir Torrent is the most suitable for your studio.

Is it easy to install?

Extremely simple, and also very quick.

On the page where you may download the file, you will be asked for your name and email address before you are given the link.

After you have downloaded Proppfrexx OnAir V3 Download, you will go through the standard installation routine. It could take you no more than five minutes to complete.

After starting the Proppfrexx OnAir V3 Crack, you will be prompted to choose the “Demo Version,” and it will expire after three hours.

There is an ON AIR setup wizard that appears on the first run. For the sake of this critique, we’ve decided to utilize the Metropolis Dark skin tone, and you may use the Touch UI if you have a display that supports touch input.

Configuring the stream server

You may wish to adjust the stream server settings as soon as the product is removed from the packaging. You can stream in a variety of formats, some of which are MP3, OGG, WMA, and OPUS. Before you can use AAC, you will need to install “Quick Time” on your Windows computer.

Changing the settings on the server may be done in the following manner:

Step 1: from the main navigation bar, pick the Tools tab and then click the General Settings button.

Step 2: In the box labeled “Settings and Options,” choose the “Streaming” option.

Step 3: Adjust any parameters that pertain to your stream. Your radio host will provide you with the server address, password, and other necessary information.

Step 4: When you are ready, click the OK button. After that, you’ll have the option to start streaming as well as select how the player will present the title information.

Here is the procedure for setting up the server settings:

Step 1: From the main navigation bar, select the Tools Tab → General Settings

Step 2: In the Settings and Options window, choose Streaming.

Step 3: Configure your stream settings. Your radio host provides the server address, password, etc.

Step 4: Select OK to finish. You can then configure how the player will display the title information and start streaming.

The Playout system & Creating Playlists

The manual mode, the Auto-Play mode, and the Live-Assist mode are all available for use with Proppfrexx OnAir Full. There are three primary participants (A, B & C). Particularly appealing to us was the track metadata, which included such things as the song’s format, BPM, Bitrate, and Duration, among other things.

The first steps are simple. To begin, you go to the Scheduler menu, choose Libraries, and then select Media Libraries. This will allow you to add music folders to your media library.

Next, you have the option of manually creating playlists or using script templates to do so. Finding one’s way around scripting may be a challenging endeavor. You are in luck since there is a video instruction called “ProppFrexx On Air: Scripting” that you may view. Additionally, please refer to the user guide for the program:

Additionally, the Proppfrexx OnAir Download is compatible with playlists developed by third-party builders.

Players & The PFL Player

In comparison to the other radio automation programs on our list, Proppfrexx OnAir boasts some of the most advanced audio players available.

The waveform of the music is shown, and you have the option to do actions such as skipping tracks or altering the fade ramp.

When you activate the Pre-fade-Listen Player by a double click on a certain song on the playlist list, you will see that song begin to fade out.

The PFL Player allows for a wide variety of actions and tasks to be performed. You are provided with a jog wheel so that you can easily adjust the location and pace of the track.

You can adjust the song’s ins and outs, ramp, and EQ, and even throw in special effects.

Voice-tracking on another level

The voice tracking in Proppfrexx OnAir V4.0.2.15 Full is of the highest caliber. You have the option of utilizing the mic that is already integrated into the device, or you may use an external input. A new item has been created for the recording on the playlist.

In addition to that, the program has a segue editor that facilitates the smooth integration of your voice track.

You may start the Voice Tracking Tool by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F11, or by right-clicking any song and selecting “Voice Tracking” from the context menu that appears.

Explorer (Must Use Tool).

Within ProppFrexx, the utility gives you the ability to examine the folders containing your music.

To have access to it, you just need to go to the main navigation menu, choose View, and then click on the “Explorer” option.

Standby players

You have access to up to three standby players that you may use for things like interviews, special requests, and so on.

Standby players and an explorer of directories.

Scheduling Options

The scheduling process is effective. We were allowed to configure the “Program Scheduler.”

You can plan music and concerts with its help. For scheduling advertisements, an overlay scheduler is available.


The two integrated cart walls are another beneficial component of the ProppFrexx system.

You have the option of adding a list of jingles, sweepers, or sound effects in this section.

Even your inserts may be looped or faded in and out.

The addition of tracks is likewise a simple process. The steps that need to be followed are as follows. Choose the “Add Playlist” or “Add Folder” option from the “Scheduler” menu, then go to the “Libraries” menu.

You will need to open either Cartwalls I or Cartwalls II to utilize the Cartwalls, and you may do so by selecting View from the primary menu.

Additional features & tools

ProppFrexx has a full suite of tools and supplementary stand-alone applications. Noteworthy mentions include:

  • Audio-CD ripper and burner.
  • Multiple-user support.
  • Graphical segue.
  • In-built web browser.
  • Can fetch RSS feeds and weather updates.
  • Audio Mixing and Routing.

Standalone tools:

  • ProppFrexx Statistics
  • Remove Viewer
  • Command line tool.
  • GPIO Client
  • Meta Data Editor

ProppFrexx Pricing

You can only get a license to use ProppFrex; it is not for sale.

The Basic Edition (which costs €99), the Premium edition (which costs €199), and the Professional package (which costs €249) are all included in the non-commercial packages.

The Premium package is available for € 349, the Professional package is available for € 449, and the Enterprise package is available for €599.


  • Easy voice tracking.
  • Simple to use and learn.
  • Supports virtually all audio files.
  • Modern-looking interface with docking manager to keep everything neat.


  • Might seem a bit complex to newbies

You can download ProppFrexx ONAIR from the link below…

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